27 November, 2010

Star Bl Dar - Arabic Karaoke

Nidal Khoury is a 21 year old telecommunication engineer, who wanted to start his own business and since his first option, which was a business and study center that helps students, small companies, startups and small organizations, didn't work he had a second plan which is the online karaoke agency StarBlDar.

He applied to Meydan and attended their sessions, and now he is working with them on his own business managing the agency starting from starbldar as a website offering online karaoke, a mobile application that offers starbldar and karaoke nights all around Amman on weekly basis.

As a future plan Nidal is looking to expand starbldar to be a company with revenue and to be the real online platform for Arabic singers in the Middle East.

Check out these ads by Star Bl Dar

Star Bl Dar Website click here
Twitter Account click here 
Facebook Page click here

08 November, 2010

The Father الأب - a photography exhibition in memory of King Hussein

Dear friends,

you & your loved ones are invited to a photography exhibition in memory of King Hussein, Al Ab (the father) and on the occasion of his birthday. Held at the Royal Automobile Museum on Nov. 12th from 11am-9pm.

This event will also include a classic car showcase & activites for children.

Hope to see you there.

Zohrab Markarian

بمناسبة ذكرى الملك الحسين يدعوكم زهراب المصور الشخصي ل المغفور له الملك حسين لحضور معرضه – الأب, في حدائق الحسين في المتحف الملكي للسيارات يوم الجمعة القادم من الساعة ١١- الى الساعة التاسعة .

هناك فعاليات للأطفال وعرض لسيارات  قديمة.

نتمنى حضوركم  

Event invitation on Facebook click here.

Amman page on Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Amman